Strategic Voting

don't just make a statement make a difference

Province Ontario
Electoral District Cambridge
Total Ballots Cast 57991
Percentage of Voter Turnout 65
Conservative Votes Obtained 25337
Liberal Votes Obtained 19419
NDP Votes Obtained 9794
Green Party Votes Obtained 3017
BQ Votes Obtained  
Cumulative Progressive Vote (CPV) 32230
Is P > C or BQ FALSE
With CPV Liberal Votes 32230
With CPV NDP Votes 0
With CPV GP Votes 0
Margin -10.24%
% of Votes by winner 43.85%
Won By  Conservative
Using CPV, will go to Liberal
With CPV would go to Liberal
Liberal Votes did not produce Seats 19419
NDP Votes did not produce Seats 9794
GP Votes did not produce Seats 3017
Please Vote:  Liberal


Progressive Parties (P): The three parties that is centre to centre-left (Liberal, N.D.P., and Green Party)
L: Liberal party
GP: Green Party
C: Conservative
BQ: Bloc Québécois
Cumulative Progressive Vote (CPV): The combined vote of (Liberal + NDP + GP)
Margin: Percentage of the progressive party (L, GP or N.D.P) with most votes, minus the higher of the two other major parties (Conservative or BQ) divided by total valid ballots. The smaller the absolute percentage, the higher the probability a riding could switch parties.
P > C or BQ: Was the riding won by any of the 3 progressive parties (True/False)
CPV > C or BQ: Would the CPV have won this riding (True/False)